Bearing the Soul

Bearing the Soul

Friday, July 25, 2014

Under Construction

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Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. ~Helen Keller

Like road repair, getting through the rubble of dysfunction and it's affects in our lives can be a true challenge.  It is an adversity that we all face to some degree or another.  Having been both the child of addiction with alcoholism  and the mother of it, I have faced it from both directions of the road.  At times it has been bearable and others it has brought me to my knees literally.   Through out all these times, I have found that writing is a very therapeutic way of both coping and learning to understand the road before me.  Below are most of the posts I have written that specifically have to do with recovery and it's affects.  I hope that you find some inspiration within the lines. 




  1. Alcoholism pulls everyone beneath the waves doesnt it???
    Glad you have a place to put "it"!

  2. Carrie: From what I see of your blog so far, I am going to love it. I am your newest follower.

  3. Thank you for the lovely comment you left over at my place. It's shaping up to be another tea sippin' kinda day...


  4. A battle I fought myself, witnessed in my father, didn't know about my sister... Thanks!

  5. Carrie: I am anxiously awaiting more. Hope all is well.

  6. Hi Carrie...I love the picture here and your words. What struck me too was your words at the top "This blog bears the burden of all the words never spoken." It took me so long to have my voice that this one phrase really stood out for me. Glad through this blog, you're having your voice, speaking your heart and your heart is so amazingly beautiful. Hugs Carrie and wishes for a beautiful weekend.

  7. Yes, lovely is the fall, my favorite season...

  8. Makes my hair stand on end. A really lovely poem.

  9. Trying to leave a comment on your Sunday Muse site to thank you for tge wonderful Muse #55 - but the site won’t let me post? I did write a poem and post the link to it.

  10. Wonderful perfect blog. I am following your blogs now. I would be more than happy if you follow my humble blogs too.


Thank you for your comments today....